I'm thinking that I may abandon one of my planned publications.
For a while now, while I have been writing my current book The Source, I have also been doing research and planning for the book I intended to bring out after that. Basically it was a book about men in Paganism and associated topics. But now, I am thinking that it may simply be more trouble than it's worth.
To explain, there are great many books on the market about the female side of Pagan spirituality, but far fewer on the masculine side of Paganism. I thought it would be a great project to write something like that, looking at the divine masculine, the role of priests and how Paganism can be a positive element in the lives of men.
I didn't want to just dive into this. As I tend to do, I wanted to do a good amount of research, so that I was able to write the best version of this book that I possible good. I set out to explore the masculine, the lives of men and many other things about being a man in today's world.
But by the Gods, what should have theoretically been an enjoyable endeavor, has turned out to be a hornets nest.
For a while now, while I have been writing my current book The Source, I have also been doing research and planning for the book I intended to bring out after that. Basically it was a book about men in Paganism and associated topics. But now, I am thinking that it may simply be more trouble than it's worth.
To explain, there are great many books on the market about the female side of Pagan spirituality, but far fewer on the masculine side of Paganism. I thought it would be a great project to write something like that, looking at the divine masculine, the role of priests and how Paganism can be a positive element in the lives of men.
I didn't want to just dive into this. As I tend to do, I wanted to do a good amount of research, so that I was able to write the best version of this book that I possible good. I set out to explore the masculine, the lives of men and many other things about being a man in today's world.
But by the Gods, what should have theoretically been an enjoyable endeavor, has turned out to be a hornets nest.
It quickly became quite clear that in order to do justice to the subject of masculinity and men's lives, it was necessary to examine the ups, downs and intricacies of the modern male experience. This includes exploring men's problems, worst lows and issues.
But exploring men's issues soon brings you into contact with a festering battle of ideologies that is festering below the radar of day to day lives.
Men and women from across the world indulging in all manner of ideological bile and idiocy in the names of men's rights, feminism, anti-feminism and more. Each fighting for equality between the sexes, but seeing the issues from differing perspectives, often informed by little more than ideological zeal.
Unfortunately, at least as far as men's issues goes, the result is that no progress is being made, as each group is more interested in controlling the narrative and tearing down those they have decided are against them.
But exploring men's issues soon brings you into contact with a festering battle of ideologies that is festering below the radar of day to day lives.
Men and women from across the world indulging in all manner of ideological bile and idiocy in the names of men's rights, feminism, anti-feminism and more. Each fighting for equality between the sexes, but seeing the issues from differing perspectives, often informed by little more than ideological zeal.
Unfortunately, at least as far as men's issues goes, the result is that no progress is being made, as each group is more interested in controlling the narrative and tearing down those they have decided are against them.

But that's the problem: It's become massively clear that no matter how much I actually stick to the subject, focus on the issues and examine the facts, there is absolutely no way that I can possibly hope to write this book in a real way, without falling foul of that ideological war that rages in the background.
I actually have no problem with debate and I genuinely like the idea of opening discussion of different ideas and the reception of my work (and the things I write on). But this is really on a another level.
I've seen that while all groups in the debate have some very nice, level-headed people, who genuinely want to work for change and gender equality, there are also oceans of people who a wreathed in sexism, ignorance and denial, who only really care about demonising "the other" (whether that's another ideology, philosophy, gender or whatever).
To be honest, I don't really want to get dragged into that nonsense.
It's also quite depressing.
As such, I'm thinking that it may simply be easiest to abandon that book and instead focus on other works and projects that I have lined up (more about those in future blogs).
I actually have no problem with debate and I genuinely like the idea of opening discussion of different ideas and the reception of my work (and the things I write on). But this is really on a another level.
I've seen that while all groups in the debate have some very nice, level-headed people, who genuinely want to work for change and gender equality, there are also oceans of people who a wreathed in sexism, ignorance and denial, who only really care about demonising "the other" (whether that's another ideology, philosophy, gender or whatever).
To be honest, I don't really want to get dragged into that nonsense.
It's also quite depressing.
As such, I'm thinking that it may simply be easiest to abandon that book and instead focus on other works and projects that I have lined up (more about those in future blogs).